E-Journal RJAS

The Romanian Journal of American Studies (RJAS) is an inter-disciplinary academic e-journal whose objectives are to investigate the diversity and dynamics of cultural change in the US, in close connection with global and local processes and phenomena, European and otherwise.

RJAS publishes two thematic issues a year. The contributions are submitted electronically to [email protected] and [email protected] by March 15*, for the Spring issue and by September 15, for the Fall issue. All submitted essays will be peer-reviewed and should follow the MLA style in order to be considered for publication.

*For the current issue of RJAS the deadline is May 15, 2013.

Editor in chief: Adina Ciugureanu (Ovidius University, Constanţa)

Assistant editors: Gabriel Gherasim (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj)

Ludmila Martanovschi (Ovidius University, Constanţa)

Mihaela Precup (University of Bucharest)

Editorial Board:

Stefan Avadanei (Al. I. Cuza University, Iaşi)

Odette Blumenfeld (Al.I. Cuza University, Iaşi)

Marius Jucan (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj)

Teodor Mateoc (University of Oradea)

Rodica Mihaila (University of Bucharest)

Roxana Oltean (University of Bucharest)

Emil Sirbulescu (University of Craiova)

Virgil Stanciu (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj)

Eduard Vlad (Ovidius University, Constanţa)

Isabel Durán (Universidad Complutense, Madrid)

Winfried Fluck (John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität, Berlin)

Shirley Geok-Lin Lim  (University of California, Santa Barbara)

Gary E. Holcomb (Ohio University)

Heinz Ickstadt  (John F. Kennedy Institute, Freie Universität, Berlin)

Paul Lauter (Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut)

Janice Radway (Northwestern University, Illinois)

John Carlos Rowe (University of Southern California)

Werner Sollors (Harvard University)
